There's nothing worse! Fish are rising and whatever you put over them dead drifts past with only a cursory glance. You catch the odd fish, usually small but there is little consistency. At times like this I often feel like putting it down to a bad job. The last outing to Blount was like that.
Conditions were good, a light, warm breeze and plenty of stuff on the wing. There were still a few 'Mays' about but the fish didn't seem too bothered. I guess after a twice daily, three week diet of double big Macs with extra fries and diet coke, you probably want to pick at some fruit for a while. What is it about diet coke with a 2000 calorie meal? It's a bit like having salad on your kebab after downing 10 pints!
We caught a few, fish to about ten or 12 inches but we could not really get into them. The usual "dead cert" pools let us down and we were in the pub for 9pm.

Well that seems to happen to me quite alot just lately, it really gets on top of me, but hey thats fishing, dont forget the grey duster for your go to flys, i find that does more than a adams....
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